Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I'm a sophomore at Lang, from Greenwich CT. I'm an avid user of all forms of media. TV, movies, the internet, I use it all. I don't go to any specific blogs on a regular basis, but I do visit the site as well as (for VW/Audi news) regularly. Digg features posts from blogs all over the internet and allows users to vote on them. My favorite topics include anything tech related, gaming, and offbeat news.
According to Gitlin, I would classify myself as part ironist, secessionist, and abolitionist. I'm critical of the media and recognize a lot of the crap that gets fed to us, but I still watch it and enjoy it for what it's worth. I mentioned the newest version of American Gladiators in class. I know it's total trash TV, but that doesn't stop me from watching it but not taking it too seriously. On the other hand, sometimes I actively avoid certain media and even try to convince others to do the same. For example, the recent coverage of Brittany Spear's meltdown really bothered me. Why was it headline news on CNN? Every time I saw my sister and mother watching a story on her I went and turned off the TV. In this respect, the abolitionist/secessionist in me comes out, but there are some gossipy stories in the news that I probably enjoy as much as they do the stories about Brittany Spears.

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